Student Life and Engagement

Market Friday

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Engaging Community 

Market Friday at Spelman CollegeThe Student Government Association sponsors a weekly Market Friday program. Market Friday is an eclectic mix of shopping, music and entertainment for Spelman and other Atlanta University Center students, faculty and staff to experience. Participants have an opportunity to enjoy food, a live DJ playing the hottest music, step shows, stroll-offs, live entertainment, and a variety of vendors to meet their personal shopping interests and other needs.

The DJ’s represent currently enrolled students from the AUC who are provided opportunities to demonstrate their talents and skills. Market Friday is the perfect way to celebrate and socialize after a long week. 


Spring 2025 Market Friday Dates and Applications

The applications are scheduled to open on Monday, Jan. 27.

February 14, 2025

February 21, 2025 (Family Weekend)

March 21, 2025 

April 11, 2025 (Founders' Day)

April 25, 2025 (Night Market)

Rules and Guidelines for Vendors and Participants

Here you will find the rules and guidelines for vendors and participants of Spelman College Market Fridays that ensure the safety of our students and guests. This program is sponsored and facilitated by the Spelman Student Government Association.

Anyone not adhering to these rules may be barred from participating at Market Friday. The Market Friday Director has the right to refuse any vending services that may pose a liability to the college. There is no pre-registration for Market Friday. If you have any questions regarding Market Friday, please contact the Office of Student Life at 404-270-5139.

Spelman SGA retains the authority to cancel any event in case of adverse weather conditions. In such instances, registered vendors will be promptly notified.

Market Fridays is exclusively for small-business vendors selling specific goods. Corporations interested in sponsorships or events should contact the Office of Corporate Relations and Partnerships at

Policies for All Vendors

  • Vendors must pay $75 vending fee and Student Vendors (with valid ID) must pay $30 (MONEY ORDER ONLY) to Spelman Student Government Association (SGA) between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. on the Friday of vending.

  • Special rates of $100 apply to Homecoming, Family Weekend and Founders Day Market Friday.

  • Vendors MUST bring their own tables no longer than 8” in length.

Prohibited Vending

The following vending activities are prohibited and cannot be done at Market Friday:

  1. Selling of Food or Beverages (Student organizations, please see fundraising policy in student handbook)

  2. Tax Services or Advertising Tax Services

  3. Selling of Live Animals (turtles, fish, dogs, horses, etc)

  4. Selling of Hair Extensions/Products (weave)

  5. Eyebrow arching, waxing, tweezing, or threading

  6. Braiding, curling, or hair services cannot be performed or advertised

  7. DVD or CDs/replica materials (burned CDs and DVDs)

  8. Homemade toiletries (soaps, creams, makeup, body bars, etc.)

  9. Skin consultations

Please contact the Office of Student Life and Engagement for a FULL list of prohibited items. Vendor approval is up to the discretion of the Director of the Office of Student Life and Engagement.

Policies for All Participants
Policies for Students
Policies for DJs
  1. At NO time should vendors or students relocate furniture in Lower Manley to accommodate outdoor  seating.

  2. RSOs and/or vendors are prohibited to sell open food items (donuts out of a box, homemade cakes or pastries, etc.).

  3. All vendors must clean-up their respective areas before departure. Failure to do so will result in being banned from Market Friday.
  1. Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) are charged a discounted fee of $15 to vend if they are CURRENTLY enrolled at Spelman, Morehouse, Clark Atlanta, ITC, or Morehouse School of Medicine.

  2. Student vendors with valid ID are charged a discount fee of $30 if they are CURRENTLY enrolled at Spelman, Morehouse, Clark Atlanta, ITC, or Morehouse School of Medicine.

  3. If the participating business does not belong to a current student, the vendor will not be eligible for the discounted rate and must pay the full price of $75 for admission.

  4. Students must present their ID in order to setup a table. ID’s are returned once the table is returned. Students are responsible for securing their ID – SGA shall not be liable for lost IDs.

  5. RSOs must share tables (two organizations per table).

  6. The maximum number of registered student organizations that can register for Market Friday is 10.
Market Friday DJs will be enlisted on a rotational basis.
  1. DJ will be set up on the right of exit door.

  2. All extension cords will be mounted down with electrical tape.

  3. All exit doors will be kept clear at all times.

Additional Vendor Guidelines


  2. Each vendor is allowed ONE table per $75 vending fee. There will be a $20 fee for each additional table set up.

  3. Vendors may only unload their vehicles between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. on the day of vending. All vending vehicle(s) must be cleared off the street by 12 p.m.

  4. Vendors with tents larger than 10x10 must have a fire department permit to be presented to the fire marshal’s office. There must be at least 5-10 feet distance between tents.

  5. Any vendors with under-age children accompanying them will keep the children in their presence. Under NO circumstances will children be allowed to run around campus freely.

  6. Vendors CANNOT sell redistributed DVD or CDs/replica materials (burned CDs or DVDs). They CANNOT sell fake designer articles and pass them on as real. Vendors MUST fully refund customers for unsatisfactory products (up to three weeks after product was bought). Vendors CANNOT sell things that are derogatory toward women, promote nudity, drugs, or alcohol (this includes Bob Marley marijuana paraphernalia, etc.).

  7. NO food vending is allowed at Market Friday.

  8. Vendor set-up locations are available on a first come, first serve basis, there are NO reserved “spots."

  9. In the event of rain or inclement weather, MARKET FRIDAY WILL BE POSTPONED.