Helping Others

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Bystander Intervention Strategies

Has there ever been a time when you felt, or even knew, something was wrong and wanted to help but didn’t? You’re not alone. This situation is more common than you might think and is known as the “bystander effect.” It is especially common in group settings, where everyone assumes someone else will do something or assumes that, since no one is doing anything, it is not a problem.

Below are the five steps to overcoming the bystander effect and doing something to make a difference in the life of a community member.

Notice the Event
Be aware of your surroundings and look out for your friends. Pay attention to situations that may easily escalate. What may start off as a disagreement may escalate into a physical altercation.

Interpret It as a Problem
Interpreting something as a problem is as simple as acknowledging a gut feeling that something is wrong.

Assume Personal Responsibility
Once you have recognized that there is a problem, regardless of how many other people are around, you have assumed no one else will help.

Department Contact Info

Title IX and Compliance

350 Spelman Lane, S.W.
Atlanta, GA. 30314


9 a.m. - 5 p.m.