Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

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Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Federal regulations require that we establish and apply reasonable standards of satisfactory academic progress (SAP) for the purpose of awarding financial assistance under the Title IV programs authorized by the Higher Education Act of 1965 as amended (34 CFR 668.34). To comply with federal regulations governing SAP, Spelman has established, published, and applies both qualitative (grade-based) and quantitative (time related/pace) standards to ensure students are satisfactorily progressing toward their college degree.  Spelman College monitors academic progress at the end of each semester.

SAP must be maintained in order to remain eligible to continue receiving federal, state and institutional financial aid.  SAP progress is determined by measuring the student’s cumulative grade point average (CGPA) and the student’s rate of progress (SAP Pace) toward completion of the degree program. These are outlined below: 

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CGPA Requirements (Qualitative Component)

All students are expected to meet minimum CGPA requirements in order to be considered making satisfactory academic progress.  Undergraduate students must maintain the following minimum CGPA as determined by the cumulative hours attempted throughout their enrollment (including transfer hours):

Class Cumulative Grade Point Average Minimum Credit Hours Completed
(Includes Transfer Credit)
First Year 1.8 75% of hours attempted
Second Year 2.0 75% of hours attempted
Third Year 2.0 75% of hours attempted
Fourth Year 2.0 75% of hours attempted
Fifth Year 2.0 75% of hours attempted
Example:  If a sophomore student has a 1.92 CGPA at the end of the semester.  She is not meeting satisfactory academic progress requirements.  

Rate of Progress towards Completion Requirements (Quantitative Component - SAP Pace)

In addition to the CGPA requirements, a full-time student must also successfully complete at least 75% of the overall hours attempted cumulatively (including transfer hours), in order to be considered to be making satisfactory academic progress.  Part time students must successfully complete at least 50% of the overall hours attempted cumulatively (including transfer hours), to be considered to be making satisfactory academic progress.  SAP pace will be computed by dividing the cumulative number of hours the student has successfully earned by the cumulative number of hours the student has attempted.  The cumulative hours attempted are defined as those hours for which students are enrolled in the term and have incurred a financial obligation.  As with the determination of CGPA, SAP pace will be reviewed at the end each term after grades have been posted to determine if the student is progressing satisfactorily. 

Example:  Full-time student transcript indicates that she has earned 27.5 hours and attempted 47.5 hours.  This student has completed 58% of her overall hours; she is not meeting satisfactory academic progress requirements.

Maximum Time Frame in which to Complete the Degree Requirements (Time Frame Component)

A student is not allowed to attempt more than 1.5 times, or 150%, of the number of hours in their degree program of study.  The requirements for rate of progress are to ensure that students are progressing at a rate by which they will complete their program within the maximum allowable time frame.  A sample of the maximum allowable attempted hours is noted below:

Number of Hours  in Degree Program 150% of Degree Program Maximum Allowable Attempted Hours
120 1.5 (150%) = 180 hours 

Grading System

Grade reports are issued to students at the completion of each course.  Grades are based on the quality of work as shown by learning deliverables as indicated on the course syllabus.  Earned quality points are calculated for each course by multiplying the grade point value for the grade received for the course by the credit hour value of the course.  For example, a 4-credit hour course with a grade of B would earn 12 quality points {credit hour value of course (4) multiplied by quality point value of B (3)}.  The cumulative grade point average (CPGA) is calculated by dividing the total earned grade points by the total attempted hours. 

Letter Code Description Included in Hours Included in Attempted Hours Included in CGPA Quality Points
A A Yes Yes Yes 4.00
A- A- Yes Yes Yes 3.70
B+ B+ Yes Yes Yes 3.30
B B Yes Yes Yes 3.00
B- B- Yes Yes Yes 2.70
C+ C+ Yes Yes Yes 2.30
C C Yes Yes Yes 2.00
C- C- Yes Yes Yes 1.70
D D Yes Yes Yes 1.00
S Satisfactory Yes Yes No 0.00
F F No Yes Yes 0.00
I Incomplete No Yes No n/a
IP In Progress Yes Yes No n/a
V Audit No No No n/a
W Withdrawal No Yes No n/a
WB Web Withdrawal No Yes No n/a

Application of Grades and Credits

The chart above indicates the impact of each grade on a student’s satisfactory academic progress. For calculating rate of progress, grades of “F” (Failure), “I” (Incomplete), “IP” (In Progress), “W” (Withdrawal), “WB” (Web Withdrawal), and repeated courses are counted as hours attempted.

Repeat Courses

Courses repeated during a student’s program of study due to non-satisfactory grades will be indicated as a repeated course with the highest grade calculated into the CGPA. The course indicated as a repeated course is not calculated in the CGPA but, both original and repeated credit hour will be counted as attempted hours in rate of progress calculations.

Transfer Credit Hours/Change of Degree Program

Credits transferred into the College by the student have no effect on the grade point average but, will be counted in the SAP pace calculation and maximum time frame calculation. Only those hours accepted towards the degree program will be counted.

Academic Warning/Probation/Suspension/Ineligible status

During a student’s matriculation at Spelman, a student could be assigned various status depending on their academic standing. After grades are posted at the end of each semester, student’s rate of progress will be reviewed to determine their SAP status for the purposes of receiving federal, state and institutional financial aid. Listed below are the SAP statuses that each student may be assigned:

1. Satisfactory Status – In compliance with policy

2. SAP Warning – First status assigned a student who is not SAP compliant

3. SAP Suspension – Assigned after it has been determined that a student is not SAP compliant - if their previous status was SAP Warning; students are allowed to appeal this decision in writing. Special or mitigating circumstances must exist to appeal.

4. SAP Probation – Assigned this status if appeal is approved; an approval of an appeal may only be granted for one semester. To submit an electronic appeal, please go to eTrieve. All appeals must be submitted by the deadline given. The appeal will then be forwarded to the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeals Committee. The student should explain what type of circumstances contributed to the academic problem and what plans the student has to eliminate such problems in the future. Student must upload documentation to support appeal. The decision of the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeals Committee is final and may not be further appealed.

  • Academic Plan - Any student whose appeal has been approved must submit an academic plan before their SAP status can be changed to Probation. In addition, their federal, state and institutional financial aid will not be disbursed without the completion of the academic plan. The student must work with the Dean in the Office of Undergraduate Studies to complete their academic plan. Once the academic plan is completed, it will be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid by the Office of Undergraduate Studies. As long as the student complies with the academic plan, they will maintain their eligibility for federal, state and institutional financial aid, however they will remain on probation according to the terms of their academic plan until such time they are back in compliance with the SAP policy.


5. SAP Probation Continued – Assigned this status if making progress toward returning to SAP compliance, but may take one or more semesters before that happens.

6. Ineligible – Assigned this status only if after being placed on SAP Probation, student has not complied with their academic plan and is not making progress toward being back in compliance. As a result, the student will not be eligible to receive any additional federal, state and institutional financial aid. Students are also assigned an ineligible status if their SAP appeal is denied.

Reinstatement of federal, state and institutional financial aid eligibility will only be granted when the student returns to SAP compliance.

Notification and Appeals

All students not making satisfactory academic progress (SAP) will be notified via their Spelman College email account and/or by letter via mail after each semester once final grades have been submitted. Satisfactory Academic Progress status will also be posted to the student’s Banner Web account. Posting to Banner Web will occur as soon as possible after the SAP computations have been completed.

All decisions of the Satisfactory Academic Progress Committee are final and cannot be appealed further.

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