Guest Information

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Commencement Guest Information

Hotel Accommodations

Spelman College has reserved rooms at a special rate for Commencement at the preferred hotels listed on this page. Hotel room rates are subject to applicable state and local taxes (currently 15 percent) in effect at the time of check-out. Room availability is limited and space is not guaranteed so make your reservations early. Please note, one night advance deposit is due when making a reservation and is non-refundable. Reservations must be made with a credit card. Rates are available until Thursday, April 24, 2025 or until the room block is sold out. Special pricing is not guaranteed after this date.

Why Choose Spelman's Host Hotels

Due to the traffic in the downtown area during Commencement, we want to ensure that our Spelman families and guests have the best Commencement experience without the hassles. To ensure this happens, Spelman has secured host hotels in the airport area this year. 

Reasons to Book Spelman's Host Hotels

  • Affordable Pricing – The College rates are much lower than the downtown rates.
  • Graduation event space - Our host hotels have a variety of space to host your special occasion events with Spelman friendly pricing. Call the hotel directly and ask for the Special Events department for rates and menus.
  • Airport Access –  The hotels are accessible via the Sky Train directly from the airport.
  • Hotel Rooms – Family groups can stay in the same hotel and possibly on the same floor. Accessible rooms are available (all rooms are pending availability).
  • MARTA Train Station -- the train station is five minutes away and riding the train is an  inexpensive alternative.
  • Ride Share – Ride Share options are quick and easy solutions that are easily accessed at the Airport. Ride Share also eliminates downtown parking issues.
  • Marriott Bonvoy Rewards Points – You and your family can receive extra points. Sign up for rewards if you are not a member. By signing up, you can get rewarded for every stay at Marriott Bonvoy. You will receive loyalty points for each hotel night, as well as for every dollar spent on extras such as food, drink, etc.

When making your reservation, ask about some of these member benefits:

  • Member discounts
  • Mobile check-in
  • Free standard in-room Wi-Fi access
  • Room upgrades

Recommended Hotel List

Atlanta Airport Marriott Gateway Hotel

Atlanta Airport Marriott Gateway hotel
2020 Convention Center Concourse
Atlanta, GA 30337 
Rate: $137.00 USD per night 
Start date: May 14, 2025
End date:  May 19, 2025
Last day to book by: April 24, 2025

Book Marriott Gateway

SpringHill Suites Atlanta Airport Gateway Hotel

SpringHill Suites Atlanta Airport Gateway hotel

2091 Convention Center Concourse
College Park, GA 30337 
Rate: $137.00 USD per night  
Start date: May 14, 2025
End date:  May 19, 2025
Last day to book by: April 24, 2025

Book SpringHill Suites

Renaissance Atlanta Airport Gateway Hotel

Renaissance Atlanta Airport Gateway Hotel

2081 Convention Center Concourse
Atlanta, Georgia 30337
$153.00 USD per person
Start date: May 14, 2025
End date:  May 19, 2025
Last day to book by: April 24, 2025

Book Renaissance Atlanta Hotel

Other Commencement Information

Information for Mobility Impaired Guests

Spelman College does not provide wheelchairs for mobility-impaired guests. It is strongly encouraged that guests make arrangements prior to Commencement Weekend to ensure availability. Atlanta has many professional services available, including:

ADA Medical Supply
6780 Roswell Road, NE Suite D115
Sandy Springs, GA 30328

Mobility impaired guests may be dropped off at the venue entrance with a companion to accompany them. Upon entrance into the event area, there will be hostesses available to identify seating for guests with wheelchairs and other motorized chairs.

Commencement Etiquette

The Commencement exercise is a formal academic ceremony. We ask that all guests respect the ceremony, graduates and other guests by behaving in the dignified manner that the occasion merits. In keeping with decorum and the Spelman tradition, we ask that guests adhere to the following guidelines.

Key Points

  1. Keep all confetti, balloons, and noisemakers outside of the venue.
  2. Food, beverages, or rude and disruptive behavior will not be permitted. Security personnel will be on-site to enforce these restrictions and prevent disruptive behavior.
  3. Cellular phones should be turned to their silent operating modes to help ensure that all guests can hear and enjoy the graduation activities.
  4. During the reading of the names of the graduates, we ask guests to be considerate in their applause so that all names are heard clearly and the ceremony is not disrupted. We ask that you express your excitement in ways that will not prevent others from hearing the speakers and enjoying the ceremony.
  5. Please remain in your seats for the duration of the ceremony until after the recessional. Please do not block the aisles or passageways by attempting to greet or take photos with graduates.

Photography and Videotaping

All official senior photos were scheduled earlier this year. Please contact the Office of Student Life and Engagement located in Manley 201 or call 404-270-5139 with any questions.

Your class photo will occur prior to the Founders Day Convocation and is offered as part of Commencement photo packages.

Family and friends wishing to take photographs of candidates are asked to do so either before or after ceremonies.

Photography and Videography Release

Please be aware that photographers and members of the media will be taking photographs and filming Spelman's Commencement activities. Your presence at the ceremonies constitutes your release, permission, and consent to be photographed and/or recorded. Pictures and/or recordings of you may appear in future printed materials and online, including in commercially available publications.

If you do not wish to be photographed and/or recorded, please be aware of the presence of photographers and members of the media and take steps to avoid contact.