Spelman now offers a free digital diploma to students shortly after graduation. Your digital diploma complements your paper diploma but is faster to access and can be shared on social media. Your paper diploma will be mailed within 10 business days after you receive your digital diploma.
For additional information, please contact:
John Brown
Marilyn Crouch
Associate Registrar
Please make sure your diploma mailing address is updated with the Registrar's Office
Please be aware that photographers and members of the media will be taking photographs and filming Spelman's Commencement activities. Your presence at the ceremonies constitutes your release, permission, and consent to be photographed and/or recorded. Pictures and/or recordings of you may appear in future printed materials and online, including in commercially available publications.
If you do not wish to be photographed and/or recorded, please be aware of the presence of photographers and members of the media and take steps to avoid contact.
Event Operations
350 Spelman Lane, S.W.
Atlanta, GA. 30314
Mon. - Fri. | 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.