Why can't we get antibiotics for a cold?
Colds are caused by viruses and antibiotics only work for bacterial infections. Most colds will resolve themselves in 1-2 weeks.
Why is the front window closed when I come in?
The front window is closed so that patients in the back and on the phone can make appointments in private. The window helps insure patient confidentiality.
Why are students required to make appointments for the women's health clinic?
The women's health services are provided by a family planning grant including supplies. This type of visit typically takes longer than a routine medical visit and appropriate time must be allocated for the provider to discuss findings and treatment. To keep our grant funds, we must record the number of persons obtaining these services.
Why are we given the same antibiotic for different illness?
Many antibiotics on the market today are "broad spectrum", which means they can be used to treat a variety of illnesses. Bactrim, for example, is a medication typically used to treat urinary tract infections and is used to treat respiratory infections.
Why do you ask us for our last menstrual period or if we are pregnant?
This question is asked by every health care entity of female patients who are of childbearing age. Any medications that are prescribed to you by your provider have the potential to cross the placenta barrier and do irreparable damage to an unborn fetus. Many women may not know that they are pregnant and if they have taken a category C or D medication as described by the FDA run the risk of stillbirths, or multiple birth deformities of their baby.
Why do I have to show my Spelman ID every time I come to Health Services?
ID's are required to prove current enrollment. We have students from other schools in the AUC, women who are no longer enrolled, and students who have graduated attempting to get services in our clinic. They know that we provide quality healthcare and the services are free. Medical care is very expensive in today's market. In order to keep health care costs for Spelman students to a minimum and to continue providing excellent, low-cost services, we must limit our services to enrolled Spelman students only.
Health Services
350 Spelman Lane, S.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30314
MacVicar Hall
Mon. - Fri. | 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.