Elementary Spanish (SFLS 101-102)
In these two 4-credit courses, students are introduced to the Spanish language and the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. Through communicative interactions, this course
sequence provides students with practice in the fundamental skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and culture with emphasis on oral proficiency.
Intermediate Spanish (SFLS 201-202)
In these two 4-credit courses, students will further develop their linguistic skills and knowledge of the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. Through communicative interactions, this course sequence provides students with practice in the fundamental skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and culture with emphasis on oral proficiency.
Spanish Conversation (SFLS 303) and Grammar & Composition (SFLS 306)
After completing the 202 course, students can keep practicing their conversational skills in 303 and their writing skills in 306. These courses act as a bridge between the intermediate and advanced levels and will elevate your speaking and writing skills. These two courses explore topics related to culture and current events.
Introduction to Literary Texts in Spanish (SFLS 308)
Prerequisite: SFLS 303 and SFLS 306. In this course, students will learn how to analyze a text from a wide array of periods, topics, regions, genres, and disciplines (literary and audio-visual). To this purpose, they will be initiated in the Cultural Studies methodology and approach: how to analyze a text as a cultural artifact that exists within a sociohistorical context.
Spanish 350s (SFLS 351, 352, 353, 354)
Prerequisite: SFLS 308. The Spanish program offers four area courses in the 350-level (see themes for each course below). Spanish minors can choose 2 of these courses, while Spanish Majors will take all 4 area courses. Within their thematic areas, these courses will always highlight a different topic chosen by the instructor. Students can take these courses in any order they choose.
Spanish 450s (SFLS 451, 452, 453, 454)
Prerequisite: All four area courses in the 350-level. After completing the 4 350-level required courses, Spanish Majors will choose 2 courses at the 450-level, which cover the same thematic areas as their 350-level counterparts.
Thematic Areas
351/451 | Intellectual Traditions of Women: Representation, Voices, Silence, Collective Memory, Oral Traditions, Femininities and Queer Identities 352/452 | National and Transnational Identities: Migration; Negrismo, Indigenismo, Indianismo; Negritude, Créolité, Négritude, Antillanité; (Neo) Colonialism; Diasporas and Latinx 353/453 | Linguistics, Professional, Cultural, and Artistic Expressions: Visual Arts, Film, Music, Museum, Cartography, News, Mass Media and Social Media
354/454 | Dynamic Relations of Political Power: Imperialism, Dictatorships, (Neo)Colonialism, Democracies and Civic Society (Social Movements, NGOs)
World Languages and Cultures
350 Spelman Lane, S.W.
Atlanta, GA. 30314
Mon. - Fri. | 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
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