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Our CARE Team Mission

CARE Line: 404-270-4254 | CARE Line Hours: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

The Spelman College Campus Assessment Response and Evaluation (CARE) Team engages in proactive and collaborative approaches which provide early identification, assessment, management and mitigation of risk. The risks are associated with students exhibiting concerning disruptive and/or potentially harmful behaviors or thoughts.

The CARE Team serves as a resource to the campus community by providing guidance for all members regarding how to seek assistance and report behaviors of concern. In addition, the team seeks to sustain a campus network where the campus community can respond to situations involving students, faculty and staff by connecting them to essential support services on and off campus.  We strive to promote well-being and success for students while prioritizing campus safety. Core members include representatives from Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, Public Safety, the Counseling Center and the President's Office.

What We Do 

The CARE Team meets bimonthly (and on an as-needed basis) to consult, assess, and triage referrals for students who display troubling or worrisome behaviors.

Our Goals
  • Provide a safe physical environment for members of the Spelman College Community
  • Provide a safe emotional environment for the campus
  • Promote peace of mind for friends and family of the campus community


Access the At Risk Referral Form   


CARE Team Support


If you observe and/or are made aware of student behavior that leaves you feeling concerned, worried and/or alarmed, TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS and SAY SOMETHING. Learn What to Do


Spelman College seeks to provide a strong support network for students, faculty and staff. Individuals who are concerned about the well-being of a Spelman student are encouraged. Discover How to Report Incidents


Students can be referred to the CARE TEAM when they seem to struggle emotionally, academically, or otherwise. Learn More from the FAQs. Identify Key Resources