Academic Divisions

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Division Chairs

Meet the Tenured Faculty

To maximize efficiency and to further develop a rich academic environment that fosters excellence and teaching innovation, Spelman College has a divisional structure with four divisions headed by a division chair who is appointed by the Provost. Division Chairs are nominated or self-nominated from tenured faculty at large. Learn more about the College's division chairs and the majors, minors and programs they oversee.

Marionette Holmes, Ph.D.

Marionette Holmes, Ph. D., associate professor, Chair of the Economics Department, and Interim Division Chair of the Arts, serves on the boards of the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession and the Sadie Collective. She is also an advisory board member of the Journal of Economic Perspectives.

Dr. Holmes Profile

Leyte Winfield, Ph.D.

Leyte Winfield, Ph.D., associate professor of chemistry, posses leadership experience that extends across and beyond the academic environment, including fifteen years of service in the United States Army Reserve.

Dr. Winfield's Academic Oversight and Profile

Kathleen Phillips Lewis, Ph.D.

Kathleen Phillips Lewis, Ph.D., associate professor of history, has served the College in numerous roles, including director of cultural orientation for the Gordon-Zeto Center for Global Education, faculty council president, faculty representative on the Board of Trustees, and director of the African Diaspora and the World Program.

Dr. Lewis' Academic Oversight and Profile

Tinaz Pavri, Ph.D.

Tinaz Pavri, Ph.D., is the founding director of the Asian Studies Program and professor of political science. Her geographic area of expertise is South Asia, and she has research and publication interests in conflict resolution, national identity, and globalization.

Dr. Pavri's Academic Oversight and Profile