What Makes You Spelman Strong?
Spelman is as multifaceted as the women who have walked her halls. Our daughters, our sisters, our friends — they all come here with hopes and dreams and leave prepared to make their mark upon the world.
Spelman Strong is the way we come together to make that happen. This fund is the lifeblood of Spelman’s financial stability, expansion and longevity. It directly influences every facet of a Spelmanite’s experience, from providing her with access to the best faculty talent to creating a campus of which she can be proud. With your annual Spelman Strong donation, Spelman’s legacy will resound for generations to come.
So, let us know so we can share it with the world. What makes you Spelman Strong?
Spelman alumna Jacqueline N. Wills, C'2000, shares what makes her Spelman Strong:

Because Spelman is strong, she has remained at the top of the country’s HBCUs list. Because Spelman is strong, she is one of the leading producers of Black women medical students and Black women who earn Ph.D.s in STEM fields. Because Spelman is strong, in the midst of all the adversity that we have faced over the past year, she has been able to withstand the forces and pressures that go along with adapting to a new normal.
Willis, a mathematics major and dean scholar, is now a Solution Associate at McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm that advises on strategic management to corporations, governments, and other organizations.
For Spelman to remain strong, Smith said, "I believe it is imperative that I direct financial contributions to Spelman year after year. My gifts allow Spelman to support students, faculty, administrators, and infrastructure and to adapt to the needs of a changing society while holding fast to her most treasured traditions. I am a proud alumna and want to ensure that those who come behind me can experience all that Spelman has to offer for years to come." #SpelmanStrong
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