Briaja Gilbert

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What Makes You Spelman Strong?

Spelman is as multifaceted as the women who have walked her halls. Our daughters, our sisters, our friends — they all come here with hopes and dreams and leave prepared to make their mark upon the world.

Spelman Strong is the way we come together to make that happen. This fund is the lifeblood of Spelman’s financial stability, expansion and longevity. It directly influences every facet of a Spelmanite’s experience, from providing her with access to the best faculty talent to creating a campus of which she can be proud. With your annual Spelman Strong donation, Spelman’s legacy will resound for generations to come.

So, let us know so we can share it with the world. What makes you Spelman Strong?

Spelman student Briaja Gilbert, C’2024, shares what makes her Spelman Strong:

 briaja-gilbertWhile completing my first year virtually, I maintained high grades, earning the Dean’s List and an invitation into the Honors Program. In addition to excelling academically, I managed to connect and build bonds with several of my Spelman sisters despite the distance between us.

I also joined several campus clubs while balancing an internship that gives me experience in my desired career. The pandemic brought about many challenges and took a lot from me, including my grandfather, but I mustered the strength to conquer the school year, making me Spelman Strong.

Gilbert, a psychology major, is currently a community and engagement intern at TheraPink for Girls.

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