These special programs provide research opportunities and unique experiences

Research Programs

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Science and Math Research Programs

All students are encouraged to take advantage of Spelman's extensive world of science and math opportunities. These special programs provide research opportunities and unique experiences that take science and math out of the classroom and into the real world.

Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CURE) Program
The CURE program uses undergraduate academic research as a mechanism of student retention and engagement. We employ early career postdoctoral fellows and faculty teams to develop course-based research experiences (CRE) as a comprehensive institutional mechanism of student development. This project increases the quality and quantity of research opportunities available to Spelman students and enhances the curriculum offerings related to STEM disciplines. This project is funded by the National Science Foundation’s HBCU-UP Implementation Projects Program.
Project Contacts: Dr. Mark E. Lee and Dr. Monica Stephens-Cooley

ExxonMobil WISE
With funding from ExxonMobil, Spelman College is sponsoring the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Scholars Program. This program provides scientifically talented students from groups underrepresented in scientific and engineering fields with the opportunity to pursue undergraduate studies in science and engineering in the highly motivating and supportive environment of Spelman College.
Project Contact: Retina Burton

Fellowships in Research and Science Teaching (FIRST) Program
Fellowships in Research and Science Teaching (FIRST) is a postdoctoral fellowship program funded by the National Institutes and Health (IRACDA) and directed by Dr. Doug Eaton at Emory University.

The FIRST Program provides postdoctoral fellows with mentored research experiences at Emory University or Morehouse School of Medicine, as well as mentored teaching experiences at Spelman and other Atlanta University Center institutions. FIRST Fellows at Spelman College have collaborated with faculty in the Departments of Biology, Chemistry, and Psychology.
Project Contact: Dr. Leyte Winfield

GSTEM: The Global STEM and Multidisciplinary Studies Research Program seeks to prepare African-American women across all disciplines (STEM and non-STEM) to be globally engaged upon graduation from Spelman College. Although the program originally focused only on STEM students, the G-STEM program now works synergistically with all offices and departments on campus to establish international research collaborations, and develop a structured mentoring program for all majors. The G-STEM program's goals are to increase the quality and quantity of international research opportunities available to our students, as well as enhance the mentoring process between students and faculty.

Learn more about GSTEM

Project Contact: 
Dr. Kai McCormack

Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (RISE)
Spelman-RISE is designed to immerse students in an interdisciplinary research community that will make them more competitive for admission into the top Ph.D. programs. As women of African descent they can bring unique perspectives to the treatment, prevention, and eradication of disease, — when they complete our RISE program, they will be well equipped to change the world.

Project Contact: Dr. Dolores Bradley Brennan

Learn more about RISE

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