The Continuing Education Student Association (CESA) was organized on April 29, 1989. The Continuing Education Organization composed of the Morehouse Mystique and the Spelman Continuing Education women served as the founding members. The Morehouse Mystique has disbanded. At its October 2003 meeting, the membership voted to change the name of the group from the Continuing Education Student Association (CESA) to the Pauline E. Drake Scholars (PEDS) as a tribute to the service of the long-time adviser of the organization.
When asked about the PED Program, Pauline responded, “Working with the returning women students was my passion. To see them overcome significant obstacles to accomplish their goals was such a rewarding experience.” Now retired, her goal is still to help mature women whose educations have been interrupted receive a quality education, broaden their horizons, embrace the sisterhood and know that there is no limit to what they can achieve.