Community Service

Beyond the Classroom

Community Service in Action: Bonner Celebrates 404 Day

According to its organizers, "404 Day in Atlanta is a vibrant celebration of the city’s culture, arts, and influence. It takes place annually on April 4th (4.04), paying homage to Atlanta’s popular 404 area code. This unique event brings together music, visual art, dance, and the city’s top influencers for an immersive experience. It’s a day to revel in all things Atlanta."

This spring, Spelman College Dean of Students Sylvia Griffin and Bonner Office of Community Engagement Director Jilo Tisdale were joined by 85 Spelman students who rolled up their sleeves and spent the afternoon cleaning up along the Westside Beltline trail with students from Morehouse and Georgia State.

Contact Info

Bonner Office of Civic Engagement

350 Spelman Lane, SW
Atlanta, GA 30314


Mon. - Fri. | 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Thank you for your interest in the Bonner Scholar Program at Spelman College. The Bonner Scholar Program is ready to accept applications for members of the C'2029.

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The Bonner Scholar Program is a vehicle allowing students to dedicate themselves not only to service, but to making connections between community experiences and academic pursuits. The program is designed to identify qualified, service-oriented students and provide financial assistance commensurate to student need as defined by the Estimated Family contribution (EFC) on the Federal Application for Student Aid (FAFSA). This enables selected students to serve others, while receiving leadership development training, academic support and enrichment opportunities to encourage their success at Spelman and completion of requirements to earn their college degrees.

The program provides a structured developmental progression to encourage students to develop leadership ability and expertise that can be applied to a chosen career path. A student who takes part in the Bonner Scholar Program must be willing and able to make a significant commitment to service and community engagement throughout their college career. Bonner Scholars commit to carry out an average of 10 hours of service per week during the school year for four years, perform at least two full-time summers of service, and participate in trainings and meetings as required. In return, students receive individualized financial aid to help with college expenses and a network of support.