Administrative Services

Supplier Vendor Code of Conduct

Supplier/Vendor Code of Conduct

How to Become a Vendor

Spelman College commits to conducting its business in a legal, responsible and ethical manner. To comply with ethical business practices and to encourage compliance with all legal requirements (local, state, federal, international) Spelman College has established a Supplier/Vendor Code of Conduct.

Compliance with Regulations, Laws and Published Standards

It is required that all suppliers/vendors abide by all applicable codes/regulations, and laws including but not limited to, any local , state or federal laws regarding wages, benefits, workmen’s compensation, equal opportunity and product safety. Spelman College also expects its suppliers to conform to business practices published as standards for their industry.

Environmental Practices

Suppliers/Vendors of Spelman College shall comply with all environmental regulations and laws applicable to their operations worldwide. Compliance shall include but is not lot limited to the following:

  • Proper handling and disposition of hazardous materials

  • Maintaining and obtaining environmental permits and timely submittal of reports if required

  • Waste minimization

  • Recycle and reuse product material where possible

  • Use of earth friendly products and proper management of operations that harm the environment

  • Implement and use of water and energy reduction

  • Conservation in the use of packaging material

Safety Practices/Training and Occupational Health

Suppliers shall maintain a safe and healthy working environment for its employees to prevent accidents arising out the course of work.
Supplier should provide at minimum the following:
Clean and safe facilities
System to report illness and injury

Employment Practices

Working conditions for employees should be in compliance with laws, regulations, codes and industry standards. Suppliers should ensure that employees have safe environments, healthy working conditions and reasonable daily and weekly work schedules.

Suppliers should have a company policy that applies to all local and federal laws prohibiting discrimination in hiring on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, age, physical disability, national origin, creed or any other basis prohibited by law.

Suppliers should not use workers under the legal age for employment for the type of work being performed in any facility in which the Supplier is doing work for Spelman College.


This code is a general statement of the expectation of Spelman College with respect to all Suppliers/Vendors. In the event of a conflict between the Code of Conduct and an applicable agreement, the agreement shall control.

Contact Info

Administrative Services

350 Spelman Lane, S.W., P.O. Box 1631
Atlanta, Georgia 30314


Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.