Academic Affairs

Units that Report to Provost

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Duties and Responsibilities

Building and Supporting Academic Programs

Rockefeller HallThe provost is the senior officer of the College responsible for the academic affairs of the institution. The provost's duties and responsibilities include the role of chief adviser to the president and to the faculty on academic affairs for which the provost formulates educational policies, presenting them to the faculty for consideration and to the president for approval; overseeing and enhancing academic programs and the academic work of the College; reviewing and recommending proposals related to academic programs; and staffing the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees.

The provost also calls the attention of the College, and specifically the faculty, to changing thoughts and practices in higher education. The Office of the Provost is responsible for recruitment, orientation, and retention of faculty. The provost recommends, in consultation with the Tenure and Promotion Committee, candidates for tenure and promotion.

The provost reports directly to the president and oversees the following areas:

Academic Majors, Minors and Programs