The Office of Research, Innovation and Collaboration

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Explore Support in Academic Study

Five Units of Research

Tasha InnisWelcome from the Associate Provost for Research, Tasha R. Inniss, Ph.D.

The Office of Research, Innovation, and Collaboration (ORIC) has been designed to promote a robust research environment and ethical scholarly engagement.

Its focus is on supporting the entire Spelman community and its scholars. ORIC facilitates innovative, interdisciplinary collaborations and strives to increase the visibility of scholarly excellence across all disciplines.

ORIC houses five units:

Together, these units comprise an enhanced infrastructure that promotes research integrity, advocates engagement in scholarly pursuits, and communicates best practices to the entire Spelman community.

ORIC Vision
Core Values
Empower the Spelman community to achieve and share scholarly excellence.
  • Advocacy
  • Communication
  • Excellence
  • Inclusiveness
  • Resourcefulness
  • Research Development & Sponsored Programs (RDSP)
  • Undergraduate Research & Training Programs (URTP)
  • Evaluation, Monitoring & Data (EMD)
  • Environmental Health & Safety Compliance (EHSC)
  • Center of Excellence for Minority Women STEM