

Parlez-vous Francais?

French - Eiffel TowerIf the answer to that question is “oui,” “un peu” or even “non,” Spelman’s French program can do more than simply satisfy a foreign language requirement. It can broaden a student’s perspective through global thinking and access to opportunities at home and abroad.

What can I do with a French major or minor?

A degree in French is an asset to many different fields including foreign service, international business and sales, community service, and the travel, fashion, and entertainment industries. It is also useful to medical and legal personnel who work in ethnic communities around the world.

Major Requirements   Minor Requirements


Language Requirement at Spelman

To satisfy the core requirement in French, students must successfully complete SFLF 202 unless exempted by the departmental placement exams. International Studies majors may require an additional year of language study beyond SFLF 202.

Get Language Tutoring (WICE)

Contact Info

World Languages and Cultures

350 Spelman Lane, S.W.
Atlanta, GA. 30314


9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

French Placement

Students beginning their first semester of study at Spelman must take both the online and written French placement exams upon entering the college. They will then be notified of the French course into which they have placed. They should enroll in the designated course as soon as possible unless they decide to study another language. If more than a year lapses between the placement exams and a student’s enrollment in a language class, a student will be required to retake the placement exams. For more information, contact Dr. Anne Carlson, Coordinator of first- and second-year French or Mrs. Paulina Canales, Coordinator of the online French placement exam.


A student who scores high on the French placement exams will be invited for an oral interview with a French faculty member. Based on their interview results, a student may be exempted from the core language requirement.

Passing Grades

A minimum grade of D is required for all core classes (SFLF 101-202). French majors and minors may not earn less than a C in their French classes.

Ten Reasons to Study French

  • Communicate with French speakers around the world.
  • Boost your academic skills.
  • Become proficient more quickly than with most world languages.
  • Increase options for undergraduate and graduate studies.
  • Connect your future to cutting-edge fields in science and technology.
  • Invest in your career.
  • Enjoy special leisure-time activities.
  • Benefit more from travel experiences.
  • Appreciate Francophone contributions to world culture.
  • Understand a variety of world perspectives.