Physics Major

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Physics Major Requirements

The student majoring in physics will complete the core courses and one of the options to complete the major.

The options leading to a bachelor of science degree are advanced theory and experiment, suitable for students who will use physics heavily in their careers; chemical physics, suitable for students leaning toward a career in industry, materials science, or professional school; applications in engineering for students in the dual degree program.

The option leading to a bachelor of arts degree is suitable for students wanting a broader liberal arts experience or those interested in careers such as patent law or business. It is also suitable for teaching at the secondary level.

Physics Major

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Core Courses

Physics Requirements (PDF)

  • PHY 151, 241, 251, 261, 302, 311, 362 and 411
  • Two of PHY 100, 200 and/or 300, 400
Required Cognates
  • MATH 231, 232, and 324;
  • CHE 111 and 111L;
  • CIS elective (programming language).

The remaining courses for each option are listed below:

Bachelor of Science: Advanced Theory and Experiment Option

  • PHY 312, 322, , 462, and one physics elective 300 or greater, and one physics elective 400 or greater (not including PHY 300 or 400); a CIS elective (programming language).

Bachelor of Science: Chemical Physics Option

  • PHY 322 (or CHE 345), 356, and one physics elective 300 or greater (not including PHY 300 or 400).
  • Other Cognates: CHE 112, 112L, 231, 232, 233, 234, one chemistry elective 300 or greater.

Bachelor of Science: Pre-Health Option

  • PHY 343, 462, two physics electives 300 or higher (not including PHY 300 or 400).
  • Other Cognates: CHE 112, 112L, 231, 232, 233, 234; BIO 115 and 120; biology elective; a CIS elective (programming language).

Bachelor of Science: Dual Degree Engineering Option

  • PHY 312, 322, 362, one physics elective 300 or greater, and one physics elective 400 or greater (or two physics electives 300 or greater; not including PHY 300 or 400 ); a CIS elective (programming language).
  • Other Cognates: CHE 112, 112L, and other pre-engineering courses – Introduction to Engineering, Engineering Graphics, Statistics, and Dynamics.
  • The student must also complete an engineering major in the Dual Degree Engineering program; however, some physics courses may be substituted using the engineering courses. See the Physics Department for a list.

Bachelor of Arts

  • One Physics elective 300 or greater (not including PHY 300 and 400), PHY 462.
  • Other Cognates: either CHE 112 and 112L, or BIO 115, or BIO 120, or ESS 211; two 4-credit courses outside Mathematics and natural science, not taken to fulfill core college requirements, level 200 or greater.
Bachelor of Arts, Secondary Education
  • Physics elective (301 or greater); Physics for secondary education (TBD); one of CHE 112 and 112L, BIO 115, or BIO 120, or ES 211 and ES 211L (CHE 112 and 112L plus a second course from the list is strongly recommended); See the Education Department for the list of education courses.

Physics Majors on the Move

New Jersey native Madison Grace Allen, C'2021, decided after her visit to the campus that Spelman College would guide her to the path of Black excellence and sisterhood. Allen comes from a large family of HBCU graduates and she was proud to add Spelman College to her family’s list.

As a physics major and mathematics minor, Allen broadened her experiences by attending professional conferences and completing research during her summers. She served as vice president of the Physics Club and pursued her love of dance by training with the Spelman Dance Theater and volunteering as an assistant dance instructor at the West End Fine Arts Center. She is also a member of the Physics Honor Society, Sigma Pi Sigma, along with Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Beta Kappa, and the  Ethel Waddell Githii Honors Program.

Allen will attend The University of Michigan to pursue a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering which will entail research in electric propulsion. She aspires to travel the world, and maybe space one day, hoping to become NASA administrator.


The physics department seeks to produce competent, productive physics graduates, as well as to contribute to the science education of all students. Upon successful completion of the prescribed program, the student will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a breadth and depth of knowledge of physics that would lead to a successful career in a physics-related profession such as engineering or education.
  • Demonstrate a breadth and depth of knowledge of physics that would allow her to begin a graduate program in physics.
  • Apply her analytical skills to such diverse professions as law, medicine, finance, telecommunications, etc.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in applying physics to problems of science, technology and society.

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