Training Cosmetic Scientists
The Cosmetic Science program at Spelman was initially conceived as a non-traditional educational opportunity for adult learners seeking to expand their technical credentials.
The program has expanded to include traditional undergraduate students by offering a chemistry major in cosmetic chemistry and a minor in cosmetic science. The program provides a culturally relevant perspective of beauty and beauty practices that resonate with Spelman’s student population. Specifically, the program focuses on the molecular sciences related to product formulation and development, providing a fundamental understanding of the origin, structure, and function of ingredients.
A hallmark of the program is its capacity to translate Spelman’s success into a culturally relevant model for developing skills in a STEM area under-explored at undergraduate institutions, namely cosmetic science. It is envisioned that focusing on cosmetic science, an area lacking the type of intersectional knowledge women scientists of African descent can provide, will produce strategies for nurturing leaders, experts, and scholars in beauty.