Spelman students are members of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) programs for the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. Spelman has crosstown agreements with Army ROTC at Georgia State University, Navy ROTC at Morehouse, and Air Force ROTC at Georgia Tech. Some cadets benefit from full scholarships awarded by their military branches in exchange for a commissioned commitment and some work to pay their tuition, room and board.
Tuition Assistance
ROTC programs offer tuition assistance to cadets by granting numerous scholarships to members who qualify. This assistance can help pay for college tuition and miscellaneous fees, textbooks or other school expenses.
Leadership Skills
Skills learned in ROTC are extremely valuable whether you continue on in the respective military branch or take what you have learned into civilian life.
Career Choices
Have a special interest or skill? The military helps place personnel in career areas that utilize specific interests, training and skills.
Students with a a desire to serve in the Army, U.S. Army Reserve, or the Army National Guard, may enter this program at any stage of their collegiate or graduate career and will be eligible for benefits to help them in their collegiate career.
Morally, mentally, and physically, this program will challenge you to push yourself to your maximum potential as you matriculate through one of the toughest HBCUs in the nation.
U.S. Marine Corp
This program prepares midshipmen to assume the highest responsibilities of command, citizenship, and government as officers in the Marine Corps.
NROTC Atlanta Marines
Air Force
Prepares you to become an Air Force Officer while earning a college degree. And it gives you the opportunity to get the tuition money you need. But more than that—it’s a challenge, a head start on a lifetime of success, within the Air Force and in everything you choose to do.
Air Force ROTC
The U.S. Coast Guard's CSPI Program
Provides college sophomores and juniors with valuable leadership, management, law enforcement, navigation and marine science skills and training, while fully funding up to two years of college. Following college graduation, CSPI students receive a guaranteed position at officer candidate school training.
View video of La'Shanda Holmes, C'2007, the the first Black woman to be certified as a helicopter pilot in the U.S. Coast Guard. She is one of 85 women aviators among the 1,200 pilots in the Coast Guard. Be inspired by Holmes' ability to excel despite the odds.