Faculty Member Since 2003
Leyte Winfield, Ph.D. is the Division Chair for the Natural Sciences and Mathematics (NSM), Director of the Cosmetic Science Program, Co-Director of the Internal Steering Committee, Center of Excellence for Minority Women in STEM Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Dr. Winfield is a synthetic organic chemist with experience in academic, industrial and military laboratories. From the combined experiences she has gained expertise in the various aspects of medicinal drug design, instrumental methods and synthetic techniques. Her efforts have been recognized by the American Association of Cancer Research and the Council for Undergraduate Research and partly funded by the National Institutes of Health. Her emerging interest in chemical education has produced two textbooks, several publications, and funding from the National Science Foundation.
A number of pedagogical innovations are being utilized synergistically to develop a comprehensive model that leads to improved student performance in the major. The project aims to produce novel tools and adopt proven methods for engaging students in the mastery of STEM concepts and promoting knowledge retention. At the center of the project are cohort building, peer mentorship and tutoring, and blended classroom activities that should lead to an improved student support system for success throughout the curriculum. It is envisioned that students exposed to these interventions in the first and second years will develop learning strategies that translate into their success in upper-level courses and their retention in the major.
In addition to the development of resources, the project seeks to further characterize Spelman’s success by documenting what is occurring in the STEM learning environment and leveraging this to provide culturally relevant insight into the development of curricular models that lead to improved performance of women and minorities in these areas. This work will provide a better understanding of minority students as agents of their own success and Spelman’s learning environment as one that nurtures and encourages such agency.
Funding for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation Historically Black Colleges and Universities Award No. HRD-1332575 and 1912385, the National Science Foundation Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Education and Human Resources (IUSE: EHR) Award No. 1626002 and 2315607 (pending), and the National Institute of Health Planning Grants for the NIH Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD) Initiative (P20) Award No. 1P20MD008719-01