Dr. Mazique has worked in higher education for over 20 years in various leadership capacities. Throughout the years, she served as Director of Residence Life, Assistant Dean of students, and has worked as a conduct officer, Title IX investigator, coordinator for prevention, education, and student conduct resolution. She has received various training on student conduct, Title IX, prevention strategies, and restorative justice. She serves on the board of Family Patterns Matter, facilitates pro-bono workshops with Douglas County District Attorney’s Office, and volunteers her service with other non-profit organizations like Hungry Hearts Atlanta. She is committed to assisting students through this impactful developmental time to support them and enhance the skills they need in college and beyond.
Dr. Mazique holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, a Master of Education in Post-Secondary Education, and a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and several certifications.
The Director of Title IX & Compliance and Title IX Coordinator's responsibilities include, but may not limited to, overseeing all Title IX and Campus SaVE reports and complaints, including complaints involving gender and sex discrimination in all educational programs and activities sponsored by the College; identifying and addressing any patterns or systemic problems that arise during the review of reports and complaints; reviewing the quality, content and documentation of all Title IX training and education programs; documenting the distribution and delivery of all prevention and awareness campaigns (literature, brochures, etc.); reviewing all policies and procedures pertaining to sex discrimination and sexual misconduct to ensure consistency and compliance; and receiving inquiries concerning Title IX and Campus SaVE and its implementing regulation.