HBCU Game Jam

HBCU Game Jam

Calling all Aspiring Game Developers and Designers

The Spelman Innovation Team is excited to invite HBCU students from all over the country to apply for the 2025 HBCU Game Jam. The HBCU Game Jam is a weekend hackathon from March 28 - March 30, 2025. During this hackathon, you will compete by building your own video games to win industry-sponsored prizes! This beginner-friendly competition will introduce students to the game development process. Whether you are new to this or true to this, you are welcome to come learn, compete, and have fun!

Faculty Chaperons
To participate in the HBCU Game Jam, all participants outside of the Atlanta University Center must have a designated faculty chaperone. This individual will be responsible for providing guidance, support, transportation, and ensuring that participants are able to adhere to all rules and regulations. Please ensure that you have secured an advisor before submitting your application. Faculty Chaperones are asked to complete the team registration form. Once the team has been registered, students will be asked to register individually. Applications close March 1.

Game Jam Application Flyer

Faculty Chaperone Information Student Registration Information

Game Design and Development Minor