Cheryl Finley, Ph.D. has been a Faculty Member Since 2018 and is the Inaugural Director of Arts and Visual Culture.
Cheryl Finley holds a Ph.D. in History of Art and African American Studies from Yale University. She is the author of "Committed to Memory: the Art of the Slave Ship Icon" (Princeton UP, 2018) and "My Soul Has Grown Deep: Black Art from the American South" (Yale University Press, 2018).
A specialist in the art market and African diaspora art history, Dr. Finley’s current research examines the global art economy, focusing on the relationship among artists, museums, biennials and migration in the book project, Black Market: Inside the Art World.
Finley is also the Inaugural Director of the Atlanta University Center Collective for the Study of Art History and Curatorial Studies.
Ph.D., Yale University
B.A., Wellesley College